Originating from London, England, the city of ale and being a stereo...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Hello again everyone,
Having only moved this year during the spri...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Welcome back to Michino Eki Aso!
What comes to your mind when som...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Yesterday night was the commencement of the Aso Shrine Lantern festi...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
"The grass is greener on the other side of the fence."
We have of...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
The final entry from Ellen and Sawa's time in Aso, Kumamoto, this ti...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to make a short entry regarding an ...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Welcome back to Michino Eki Aso! This is Min Min, and I'm delighted ...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Apologies for a slightly dated post but I wanted to briefly introduc...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Hello again everyone, it has been quite a while since I have made an...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
The continuation of Michi No Eki's Taiwan interns, Ellen and Sawa's ...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
The Daikanbo Lookout we're heading to today is located to the northw...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Hello, mina-san!
Today, we're going to experience the Aso Uchinom...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
This is a report from Koichi Nakao, aka Colnago captain, entitled "A...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Speaking of specialties in Aso, Aso milk comes to my mind. It was a ...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Good day everybody,
Today we're off to Tateiw...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Hello again from Michi No Eki Aso!
Around 10 a.m. Oliver took us ...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Hello everyone!
We are Ellen and Sawa from Taiwan. It was our sec...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
Kumamoto is famous for a variety of local specialty dishes but besid...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations
A 9 minute straight drive along route 57 from Michi no Eki Aso you w...
カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations