Fun switchback train trip to Aso by JR Hohi line!

Hello everyone! This is Kana from Michi no Eki Aso.
It is quite warm even in Aso, today.
The sun is strong!

School summer break began and special JR express “Aso boy” has been operated every day!!

I drive my car most of the time, but I take local train sometimes just for fun with my kids.

What I like about train in this area is “sound and vibration” of diesel engine!

I just took a video of Aso boy coming into Aso station this morning, you can enjoy the loud noise of diesel engine:)

To come to Aso from Kumamoto, you have to clime the hill almost 500m high. A JR station at the bottom of the hill is Higo-Ozu. Electric train is operated from Kumamoto to Higo-Ozu, but from Higo- Ozu, only the diesel car can come to Aso.

There is a very steep incline between Higo-Ozu and Aso, and if you take a train in this section, you will be able to have such a precious experience.
After leaving Tateno station, the train stops in weird place.?? It is not station, what is going on? Then you will see you the conductor moves from the front car to the back car in hurry.
After a while, the train goes backwards! And it stops again, the conductor passes again , the train goes backwards again…. This is switchback to climb up a steep hill. It is pretty exciting😊
These are some videos I took last year ,maybe it helps you to understand what the switchback is:)

There are a couple of train route has a switchback in Kyushu, but it is quite rare in whole Japan.

Either express or local train, you can enjoy the switchback experience. I like slow local train trip in person,when I have time,though.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Aso,someday:) 

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