Seven Star train won the top award!

As we shared about the cool train called Seven Star in Kyushu, Happily, it won the top award, the Conde Nast Traveller reader’s choice awards 2021!

The Seven Star train is a luxury cruise train that runs in Kyushu.

One of the stops is Aso station, it is located just next to us (Michi no Eki Aso).



The train runs with this wonderful landscape and Aso has different faces depending on the season! 

Now, the autumn is coming to Aso. You will be able to see autumn colours in Aso.



This is a ginkgo tree at the nearest temple from Aso station. (at Saigandenji ) The leaves are turning yellow right now!



By the way, what are the Conde Nast Traveller reader’s choice awards?The Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards are the longest-running and most prestigious recognition of excellence in the travel industry.

On their website, Seven Star train is introduced asThe best trains in the world”. There are 10 trains in the list, the Seven Star got the top award from the list.

What an amazing prize! 


Readers’ Choice Awards 2021: All the winners | CN Traveller


We are really happy to be blessed with these nature in Aso and we continue to share with you about Aso! 

Also, We are always waiting for you to come to Aso!


(Michi no Eki Aso)



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