The season of Takana leaves will be here soon ~Takana Culture in Aso~

Hello everyone, how are you?
It is still quite chilly here.

But, I see the green is growing at my neighbors’ garden!

This vegetable looks like spinach is “Takana” which is very popular and famous product from Aso.
It is a type of canola, leaves and stems are a little bit spicy.
It grows big in warm area but it stays solid and small in the cold weather like here in Aso.

That is good for pickling, and traditional way to eat “Takana” is pickling.

They don’t use vinegar, they use just straight strong salt and wait to be fermented for 1 year.

This is not the traditional one, but lately,“Shinzuke” which is pickled only for short time is popular as well. Shinzuke’s smell is not strong as traditional one, and the color stays green.

Now, the end of Feb. to the beginning of Mar., it is the season for new Takana. (Harvest time)
They don’t use machine to cut them, do it all by hand. In spring, you can see a whole family is squatting down at the green field and picking Takana.

In these days, people are calling us on phone and asking if the fresh Takana leaves are already at the store or not.

A lot of people in Aso, they like to make their own Takana pickles with grandma’s recipe, even they don’t have their own garden.

If you visit Aso in this season, you will see these items are sold at store.


You might wonder what these things for. These are all for pickling Takana !

Even you don’t pickle Takana for yourself, of course, you can buy them at Michi no Eki Aso 😊

There are so many different flavors of Takana pickles.


Rice ball with Takana.

Takana bento. (Lunch box)

Takana Ramen.

Dried Takana topping.

Steamed Takana buns .

And our Michi no Eki Aso’s new menu.
Takana hot dog!
I tried one, it was good!

You cannot talk about Aso without Takana !!
If you have a chance to visit Aso someday, please try Takana pickles!




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