Spring Flowers are blooming in Aso!

Hello from Michi no Eki Aso! Spring flowers are blooming!

In Aso, you can find some places where you are amazed by the beautiful pink carpet!



This is called ShibaZakura, which is literally translated as ground cherry blossom.

They were fully in bloom last week.

Here is the best place to see them and also you can see gorgeous Mt.Aso 🏔 It is located along the river. (Yotsue River



It is very difficult to maintain every spring, but we have been enjoying this elegant view for a long time. Local people take care and preserve them.



Next point, There is a pond called Kurumagaeri Suigen.



You can hear the relaxing sound of the spring water and wind.



Recently, a small aid point was built for people who like having lunch parties outside as well as enjoying cycling and driving a car. There was a parking lot for free.



Aso is relatively cooler than Kumamoto city and you can avoid hot summer if you come to Aso 👌


In Uchinomaki hot spring town I found a cute yellow flower.



This is called Ryukinka. 

The day I went to see them, it was good timing. He was maintaining the flowers blooming around this area.He is a local from Uchinomaki district.



You can see some kinds of flowers in each season.

He explained about the flowers and even the history of Aso.

Spring water helped the lives of many flowers.

As I wrote, flowers in Aso are preserved by many locals. Thanks to them, we can see beautiful and cute flowers every year.



The azalea season is coming soon in Aso! Please wait to see them in our blog!



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