Controlled Burning’s history strenches back 1000years

Welcome back to Michi No Eki Aso

How’s your day going? Spring is coming to touch us these days.

I don’t think I need to mention that I’m new in Japan but there are a lot what I have to learn to be the part of Aso. There is one word that is always taking my attention all the time since I started my life in Aso. Do you wanna guess? What would it be? Well……it is ” Noyaki” which is also known as controlled burning.

Yesterday, I went to Kusasenri where you can go horse riding and enjoy the stunning wide range of green grassland. The green grassland is the most important thing here because it is also the sign of Aso and their part of culture. You are probably curious how the grassland is kept all the time. Here’s your answer. They had been keeping that wide range of grassland with Noyaki, controlled burning.I’ve heard that they had been doing Noyaki since thousand years ago. Essentially, I went there to experience how Noyaki really works?

When we went up to kusasenri, I saw people riding bikes or cycle to watch the Noyaki Event. Actually, they was hitting two birds with one stone because they was doing cycling tour and watching Noyaki event.

When we were at the parking area, I saw only one place smoking there. It’s cladera which is currently active.

Even Mr.Doggy was there to watch Noyaki. How lovely is he?

When the grassland goes dry, they have to burn it to be reborn as fresh green grass. You can see there people started to fire on the dry grassland. I think you can imagine how wide the grassland is compared to those little people.

Now you can see more smoke from some places at the same time. 

Then, in a second……

You see Kusasenri full of smoke. That was really fast to spread around. That’s the exact reason why some against voices come out. But local people only let the skill-full and experienced people do Noyaki. Like I said before, if they stop noyaki, the grassland will disappear and we won’t be able to see the fresh green grassland again.

You probably wonder how I took this picture when the area is full of smoke. Here you go……wwww

I’ll call it ” the picture with tears”. But it’ll be worth it if you enjoy my blog.

So, when all of that smoke disappears, you see the black Kusasenri beautifully. Look, how they work systematically and carefully. I strongly recommend you to experience Noyaki if you ever get a chance. You’ll see the history, present and future at the same time.

Let’s call it a day and have a nice spring …….

Min Min


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