Hello again from Michi No Eki Aso…………
It’s me, Min Min. I came back with a blog about my favorite spot in Aso.
As all of us know, Japan is famous for hosting plenty of active and dormant volcanoes in the world. There are so many famous calderas and active volcanos in Japan. But Aso is proudly home to one of the largest calderas in the world. That is one of the strongest reasons to make Aso a famous tourist spot.
As soon as I started my life in Aso, I was always dreaming about looking down at the crater. Here’s why. I never had a chance to be familiar with volcanic sites when I was in my homeland, Myanmar, because we don’t have any active volcanoes in spite of only one dormant volcano.
But, unluckily, due to the last eruption in 2016, I had to wait for almost 6 months until the crater was reopened. Finally, my time has come and I went up to the crater the other day. The crater is essentially one out of five peaks of Aso and is called Nakadake crater.
This is Kusaseri where you can enjoy the splendid views of grassland. You can simply see the smoking area of Nakadake from Kusasenri too.
Let’s make a little move to get up to the crater. That was really exciting to be getting near the crater cause I’ve heard that the crater is like the other world.
This is the nearest parking area from the crater and we can see that the crater was smoking out and I noticed some strange smell like burning something. Of course, I was standing on the crater and that is what the craters do.
When I was going up a little bit nearer the crater, the protection bunkers dragged my attention from the crater. They were really big and looked strong enough to protect you just in case of an unexpected eruption. But there are always restrictions’ information according to volcanic activities.
Here we go….
This is the crater which is smoking out. How amazing to see the wild and strong beauty of earth. I mentioned that everyone told me that the crater is like another world. Yes, it really was. You can learn the unique view which you can never find in other places on this earth’s surface.
It is quite difficult to show how amazing the crater is throughout the letters. I really want you to get there and learn the meaning of the wild art by yourself.
Whenever you get the chance to come to Aso, don’t hesitate to go to the crater. If you have no idea how to get there, come by our Michi No Eki Aso and feel free to ask anything about Aso.
Have a nice day………
Min Min