Tateiwa spring and cascades in Minami Oguni


Good day everybody,


Today we’re off to Tateiwa. Located a bit north of Aso city, in the beautiful and calm village of Minami Oguni, Tateiwa is a discreet spot in the mountains.

Discreet but with a lot of power, this little spring spews out more than 380 ton water per day.

The source itself is divided to serve all necessary purposes; water to the fields surrounding, water to the god of water and to the people who come to collect some fresh liquid. Then the source evolves into a river and runs down into the valley.



God of water, with their accomplices, carps and dragon.


Let’s full our bottles and go discover the river below.



The entrance to the small path along the river is pretty hidden from the main road, so be sure to look around. The treasure hunt has begun.



Following the path down the river, we encounter rocks and boulder, originating thousands of years back, when mount Aso erupted multiple times. Ashes, sediments and other mineral differences makes each rock unique.

Walking in close proximity to those old giants and the water is refreshing and very calming.



The river grows deeper in some places, so for the most adventurous, be cautious as the current is strong and varies strongly.



Every stone or rock is disguised by the moss, some of them laid bare by the water and the wind.



Last, but not least, at the end of the small path down the river, the biggest cascade awaits. Another god of the river by its side, it is the least visited spot, offering loads of freshness and rest.



This spot is accessible by car, in around 45 minutes from Aso station. No other transportation (bus, train) serves the area of Tateiwa.

See you soon in Aso, for more adventures.


— Nathalie




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