The Flames of Aso: Rituals and Traditions

Hello, everyone! How are you doing?

The controlled burn around Mount Aso was safely completed two weeks ago, and the controlled burning for the Northern Outer-Rim of the Aso caldera is scheduled for the day after tomorrow.

Fire is a symbol of spring here for those of us living in Aso.

We begin the year with the Dondoya Fire, a tradition shared by locals, followed by Noyaki, the controlled burning, and finally, a solemn ritual held at Aso Shrine.

The Tatsukuri-sai is a seven-day ritual held around the vernal equinox to pray for a bountiful harvest. The highlight of this ritual is the Hifuri-Shinji, where large torches made of rice straw are swung, a ceremonial act that represents the wedding of deities.

In essence, the fire swinging is a way of welcoming the bride and celebrating the union. Through this ceremony, we are promised a good harvest each year.

Since Tatsukuri-sai follows the old calendar, the date of the Hifuri-Shinji ceremony changes every year. This year, it will be held on March 16th (Sunday) at 7:00 p.m.

Please note that parking next to Aso Shrine will not be available on March 16th, the day of the ritual. Additionally, be aware that there will be road closures from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. due to the ceremony.

You can refer to the map for temporary parking options. We apologize that it is available only in Japanese.
Aso shrine’s Information for the parking and road closure on Hifuri ritual day

Come and enjoy the beautiful fire ritual at Aso Shrine!


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