Cutie sweets at Michi No Eki Aso


Hello from Michi No Eki Aso!

It’s getting cold day by day. Winter has arrived.


Today I would like to introduce cutie kitten sweet (=^・^=)

Haru Koubo is kitchen delicatessen making lunch box and sweets.

Cat is made from flour and water included legs and tail! Face is written by chocolate one by one cat.

Melted soy sauce and sugar on top. [150 yen]

This soy sause dumpling sweets is made by young manicurist. She loves to deal with small things, take care of nails and make small sweets by hands.

Pumpkin and cheese croquette are also available from her.

Chick’s eyes are seaweeds, cheeks are ketchup and mouth made by yellow corn.

[200 yen]


We Japanese love to make animals from natures because we are part of nature.

This owl is made by Japanese silver grass. You can check this in Aso grassland conservation canter.

阿蘇草原保全活動センター – 草原を学ぶ。楽しむ。守る。 (


Please come Aso and enjoy local foods at Michi No Eki Aso!



カテゴリー: English Blog, Recommendations, おすすめ   タグ:   この投稿のパーマリンク


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